Services & Readings

Services and Readings - St. Mary's - Weldam

Forthcoming services

April 14 10.30 Eucharist Easter 3 followed by our AGM

Revd. Jacque Williams
Duty Warden Jeanet Luiten

Intercessor Jeanet Luiten
Chalice Assistant Joyce Wigbodus
Acts 3. 12-19 Patrick Saridjan
Psalm 4
Zephaniah 3. 14-end Arthur Cass
Luke 24. 36b- 48

Monday a Zoom service of Evening Prayer 19:00 hrs link to the service:
Meeting ID: 982 4542 2332 // Passcode: 2CNnw8

Thursday Morning Prayer in the Hut 10:00 hrs

April 21 10.30 Eucharist Easter 4
Revd. Jacque Williams

Duty Warden Jeanet Luiten

Intercessor Joyce Wigboldus
Acts 4. 5-12 Elisa Hannan
Gen. 7. 1-5, 11-18,. 8.6-18, 9. 8-13 Louw Talstra
Psalm 23
John 10.11-18

Monday a Zoom service of Evening Prayer 19:00 hrs link to the service:
Meeting ID: 982 4542 2332 // Passcode: 2CNnw8

Thursday Morning Prayer in the Hut 10:00 hrs

April 28 Easter 5 10.30 Eucharist

Revd. Jacque Williams Lay minister Simone Yallop preaching
Duty Warden Jeanet Luiten

Intercessor Simone Yallop

Acts 8. 26-end Jaccolien Molenaar
Psalm 22. 25-end
Gen. 22., 1-18 Anne Powell
John 15 1-8

Monday a Zoom service of Evening Prayer 19:00 hrs link to the service:
Meeting ID: 982 4542 2332 // Passcode: 2CNnw8

Thursday Morning Prayer in the Hut 10:00 hrs

May 5. Easter 6 10.30 Eucharist
Revd. Jacque Williams

Duty Warden TBA

Intercessor Lea Meijnen

Acts 10.44-end Erica Bonting
Psalm 98
Isaiah 55. 1-11 Joyce Wigboldus
John 15, 9-17

Monday a Zoom service of Evening Prayer 19:00 hrs link to the service:
Meeting ID: 982 4542 2332 // Passcode: 2CNnw8

May 9 Ascension day 10.30 Eucharist

Revd. Jacque Williams
Duty Warden TBA

Intercessor Joyce Wigboldus
Acts 1. 1-11 or Daniel 7. 9-14 Jan de Beij
Psalm 47 or 93
Ephesians 1-5 Lea Meijnen
Luke 24. 44-end

May 12 Easter 7 10.30 Eucharist
Revd. Jacque Williams

Duty Warden TBA

Intercessor Simone Yallop
Acts 1, 15-17, 21-end Linda ten Berge

Psalm 1

Ezekiel 36. 24-28 Rita Kizito
John 17. 6-19

Monday a Zoom service of Evening Prayer 19:00 hrs link to the service:
Meeting ID: 982 4542 2332 // Passcode: 2CNnw8

Thursday Morning Prayer in the Hut 10:00 hrs

May 19 Pentecost 10.30 Eucharist

Revd. Jacque Williams

Duty Warden TBA

Intercessor Lea Meijnen
Acts 2, 1-22 Patrick Saridjan
Psalm 104. 26-36, 37b
Ezekiel 37.1-14 Arthur Cass
John 15. 26-27, 16. 4b-15

Monday a Zoom service of Evening Prayer 19:00 hrs link to the service:
Meeting ID: 982 4542 2332 // Passcode: 2CNnw8

Thursday Morning Prayer in the Hut 10:00 hrs

May 26 Trinity Sunday 10.30 Eucharist
Revd. Jacque Williams

Duty Warden Jeanet Luiten

Intercessor Jeanet Luiten
Isaiah 6. 1-8 Elisa Hannan
Psalm 29
Romans 8. 12-17 Louw Talstra
John 3. 1-17

Monday a Zoom service of Evening Prayer 19:00 hrs link to the service:
Meeting ID: 982 4542 2332 // Passcode: 2CNnw8

Thursday Morning Prayer in the Hut 10:00 hrs

Recordings of the COVID 19 time frame Services will remain available off line only, via this link