
Finances and ANBI Information

St Mary’s and Finance

Service donations

Every year, our Diocese has entered a considerable claim, the Chapel rent continues, Insurances have to be balanced, and we have to pay the stipend of our Chaplain. As you may see, costs for running the congregation do continue. Collections make up about one quarter of our congregation's income. This particular income has now stopped completely.

A suggestion has been made, instead of filling the actual collection basket in the Chapel during the Service, to donate your contribution via a bank transfer. We have noticed a few of us have already started doing this. As collections are booked in the Vestry record after each service, this cannot be upheld presently.

Therefore, if you want to contribute like you normally would do in church, please make a bank transfer using the designator "Service donation" on our bank account NL62ABNA0593634012 t.n.v. Anglican Church Twente.

The Treasury