Summer Teas 2024
Our much-liked and well-known Summer teas will start again from Sunday, July 7, till Sunday, August 18.
It is a great occasion to meet people, introduce St. Mary’s to the region and make money to fund our community.
We need all the help we can get for this action to succeed.
So please take part and put your name on the list in the Hut for the baking and the serving.
If you have not helped before, other helpers recommend it as a great afternoon spent with friendly people.
If you have any questions, please call or ask Jeanet.
Shoeboxaction 2023
Feedback February 2024
Thank you to everyone who took part in theshoeboxaction last November.We have just received some statistics:
Het afgelopen jaar zijn er zo’n 45.000 kinderen die in armoede of oorlog leven, blij verrast met een bijzonder geschenk. Zij merkten dat er aan hen is gedacht!
De dozen gingen naar Moldavië (3.335), Oekraïne (1.357), Albanië (7.414), Bosnië (100), Bulgarije (100), Lesbos (1.009), Sierra Leone (15.001), Togo (7.486) en Roemenië (8.981).
November 2023
The Shoebox collection did very well this year. In total thirty shoeboxes had been provided to the congregation with the intent to fill them with little presents for children. These children live in poor conditions in various parts of the world i.e. Sierra Leone, Togo, and Afghani children in a refugee camp. At the end of the collection period we did receive a return of 21 boxes packed with goodies for the children. On the 6th of November we did deliver the boxes to one of the regional collection centres.
Thank you everyone (also on behalf of the children at the receiving end) who did contribute to this yearly event.
Protocol regarding public worship at St. Mary Chapel is no longer in effect. COVID-19 Protocol Page
Thursday Open Morning for Coffee, Chat, and a shiny clean chapel at the end of the day.
Coffee Rota
After the service everyone is always invited to Coffee/Tea. This is a nice and important part of our fellowship at St. Mary's. Regular members of our community can meet and have a chat about what is on their mind. Also guests are very welcome to join in. It is a joint effort of our community and it also needs people willing to spend some time before the service preparing coffee. So if you are able to contribute please add your name to the rota sheet which is on the notice board.
Information of the Mineke Foundation Nov 11th 2020 (full newsletter from Tonia)
Information of the Joanne Foundation See: the newsletter
Dicocese in Europe Environmental policy “Diocesan Policies and Guidelines”