Magazine Archive

St. Mary’s Magazine is the monthly publication of the Anglican Church Twente. The Magazine has a valuable role in helping to keep the congregation informed and in touch with each other. If you wish to receive your personal copy, or know someone who does, please contact one of the Wardens.

Our former Church member Blair Charles is collecting the contributions, does the editing and lay out for the magazine format to be ready for printing. When ready he transmits the file to Lub Gringhuis, who is taking care of the printing and dissimenation via the Mail and hand carry to St. mary's Chapel. Currently the Magazine is printed at home which means the price may be kept low. (When in an event that home printing these Magazines any more, this would have to be done commercially, which means the cost will be much higher) But if you are a bit hands on with your computer you could even receive the Magazine by an email push message from Blair Charles or download it from our webpage below for free. Then print the issue in an A4 format for easy reading with bigger text size.

However if everyone who receives a copy of the magazine by mail in the Netherlands, would pay just €20,00 per year, we could safeguard the dissimentation by mail of the Magazine for the next few years. Readers with foreign addresses should contribute at least €32,00 to cover the costs.

Please make your payment to: Anglican Church Twente, ABN AMRO, IBAN: NL62ABNA0593634012 - Ref. Magazine Postage. This will help the treasurer to identify the payment is for the magazine.

Without financial support, the magazine will most likely cease in its present form. It could be replaced by an online version, or it could become just a basic news sheet. The practice of providing a free copy to guests will of course have to end.

If you want to contribute content for the next issue of the magazine this should reach the editor by the third Sunday of the month and can be handed in after the church service to Erica Schotman  or sent by mail to: Blair Charles


Using a team has enabled us to encourage more members of the congregation to contribute articles, in English. We feel that this makes the Magazine even more inclusive, helping the congregation to get to know each other better. Anyone can submit an article on any subject, preferably in a Word document format. This is the most accurate and quickest format from which the editors can work. Handwritten scripts and text in emails are both acceptable. Be aware that errors are likely as reading some handwriting is often educated guesswork. Likewise, working out the content and layout of email text is difficult. 

Team Leader:

Production Editor: Blair Charles

Copy Editor: Erica Schotman

Production Assistant: Marilyn Charles

Printing and dissimenation : Lub Gringhuis

St Mary's Magazine, Past, Present, Future?


There has been a magazine keeping the congregation of St Mary's Chapel informed and amused for nearly thirty-three years. A lady called Nettie Foeken, who some old timers may remember, brought out the ANT Church News in 1988. There were three editions per year. The acronym incidentally stood for Arnhem, Nijmegen, and Twente. The magazine served as a valuable link between the joint chaplaincy of Arnhem and Nijmegen and that of Twente. In 1990, founding members of the Twente Chaplaincy, Paul Chesmond and his wife Joyce, took over producing the ANT as a monthly church magazine.

We recently obtained a copy of the second Issue of the ANT magazine from November 1988. (view)

Thirteen years later, Paul and Joyce decided to step down from producing the magazine. Blair Charles, the writer of this article and his wife Marilyn Charles took over running the magazine. Eighteen months later, Arnhem and Nijmegen decided to produce their own monthly magazine. In the hope of maintaining links between the chapels in the East Netherland Group of Chaplaincies, the ANT continued as a twice-yearly magazine.

The first edition of the monthly St Mary's Magazine came out in January 2005, monthly except for Easter and Christmas when an edition of the ANT magazine was issued. This arrangement continued up to April 2007, after which at the request of Arnhem and Nijmegen, production of the ANT was stopped. St Mary's Magazine continued with ten issues per year.

The next major change came in May 2010 when the Charles team stepped down. Janice Collins kindly and bravely stepped in to take up the task of producing St Mary's Magazine on her own through to May 2015. With other commitments pressing, she decided to step down.

The present situation is the magazine continues in production, although now with a three-person team as shown on the back cover, working on preparing and production. The magazine re-launched with an aim of encouraging the congregation to participate more fully in producing their magazine to help people get to know each other better. So far, the reaction has been most positive.

Distribution Lists

We have three main lists for the distribution of St Mary’s Magazine: in-church collection, postage abroad (currently - 2023 - € 35,00/year) and postage within the Netherlands (currently - 2022 - € 20,00/year).

A digital mailing list is gaining in popularity. If you are a fan of all things digital and would like to switch to this list (which like the in-church collection list is free of charge), please let Blair Charles know.

But you may also access the last copy (and back issues till 2005) via the links provided hereafter.

Note future date links are also present, but will only deliver the issue of the magazine if the appropriate month has arrived. (This feature has been introduced for a instantaneous upload to the web server). Also the December (12) issue of the former year is identical to the January issue of the (01) new year. This als is applicable to the July (07) and August (08) issues.

Magazine Archive

2025 - 12 /  11 /  10 /  09 /  08 /  07 / 

2025 - 06 /  05 /  04 /  0302 /  01 /

2024 - 121110090807 /

2024 - 060504 /  030201 /

2023 - 121110 /  09 /  0807

2023 - 060504 /  03 /  02 /  01 /

2022 - 1211100908 /  07

2022 - 06 /  05 /  04 /  0302 /  01 /

2021 - 1211 /  10090807

2021 - 06 /  0504 /  030201 /

2020 - 12111009 /  08 /  07

2020 - 060504 /  03 /  02 /  01 /

2019 - 12111009 /  08 /  07

2019 - 06 /  05 /  04 /  0302 /  01 /

2018 - 12 /   11 / 100908 07

2018 - 0605 /  04 0302 01 /

2017 - 121110090807

2017 - 060504 /  030201 /

2016 - 1211 /  1009 /  08 /  07

2016 - 060504030201 /

2015 - 121110090807

2015 - 06 0504030201 /

2014 - 1211 /  10090807

2014 - 060504030201 /

2013 - 121110090807

2013 - 060504030201 /

2012 - 121110 / 090807

2012 - 060504 030201 /

2011 - 121110 090807

2011 - 060504030201 /

2010 - 121110090807

2010 - 060504030201 /

2009 - 121110090807

2009 - 060504030201 /

2008 - 121110090807

2008 - 060504030201 /

2007 - 121110090807

2007 - 060504030201 /

2006 - 121110090807

2006 - 060504030201 /

2005 - 1211100908 07

2005 - 060504030201 /