For the year 2023 two new Charities have been chosen to which our congregation will contribute. These are the Voedselbank in Goor and the Ukraine project: "Our Daily Bread / Drops of Hope" p.o.c. Dave Thomas. This means two of our current charities will have to be terminated by the end of this year 2022. Young Achievers, the foundation Pandu is still involved in will stay on, but the support to the Mineke Foundation and the Joanna Noordink Foundation will terminate.
The Church Council has informed both Charities that 2022 will be the last year of a contribution from the Anglican Church Twente. Recently we did receive a letter from the Mineke Foundation in whcih Tonia Dabwe summarizes:
"We would not have been able to lay that foundation without your support throughout the years. I’ve put together a short video showing our results in 2021 and 2022 and I’m pleased to share it with you." See more in video . . .
Food bank
Items are now being collected on a permanent basis for the food bank in Goor. There is a large plastic box in the hut where you can put items of non-perishable food. The plan is to take the box to the food bank about once a month or more frequently depending on how quickly it is filled. As mentioned above the Food BAnk in Goor will from 01 January 2023 receive donations in respect to our Charities. The Voedselbank Goor is part of the Voedselbank Midden Twente.
The Voedselbank Midden Twente is there for people who, for various reasons, have run into such (financial) difficulties that they have no or insufficient money to buy food. The Food Bank collects free food from which food packages are put together. Food packages made available by the Food Bank are intended as emergency assistance for people who are financially unable to make ends meet for a shorter or longer period of time. The maximum time food packages are provided to a participant is three years.
The objective of the Food Bank is to provide free food and other foodstuffs on a weekly basis to people who are unable to support themselves independently. The Voedselbank Midden Twente is for individuals and families living in the Hengelo, Borne and Hof van Twente area.
Sponsors are very important to the work of the food bank, without sponsorship we cannot exist. Besides sponsorship in products, financial sponsorship is crucial for us, all amounts are welcome.
Many food products we receive through the distribution of the national food bank organization. However, for fresh produce we rely on local middlemen and market vendors. In addition, we need a large budget for electricity, gas and water in our building. Fuel, tax and insurance for the vans also costs money.
Since our food bank has the status of an ANBI (Algemeen Nut Beogende Instelling) the sponsored amounts are tax deductible within the applicable rules.
Ukraine project (Our Daily Bread / Drops of Hope) person of contact: Dave Thomas.
We’re Our Daily Bread and we help vulnerable people in Eastern Ukraine to live dignified and purposeful lives. Also, during this immensely difficult wartime period.
Our mission
We help people to stand on own their own two feet and to look after each other in their local communities. And we help people regardless of their origin, religion or gender.
How we work
Our Daily Bread works in close cooperation with local partners and we work together as equals. Projects evolve through a co-creation process with our partners. We listen carefully to their needs, observe what they do and ask critical questions. As a Christian charity, we tread the delicate line between, on the one hand, investing in projects according to sound business principles and, on the other, prayerfully considering with our partners what the wisest course of action would be. We pursue an adaptable strategy and maintain short lines of communication. This allows us to respond rapidly and effectively in the highly volatile situation in Eastern Ukraine.
You can read more about our project approach in the document. Our way of working.
If you are interested in the current Drops of Hope projects. Please click on the Current projects link for information about the project.
Young Achievers - Namibia
Latest Feedback from the Young Achievers in Windhuk, Namibia
Young Achievers
Young Achievers is a group of young people that strives to inspire and motivate young people from Katutura to have a sense of vision and a mission in their lives. The group meets every Saturday afternoon to discuss on issues and matter facing the young people. The young achievers have more than 60 members and have expanded to other regions with branches in Tsumeb, Rundu, Walvisbay, Gabriel Tapoopi and Eloolo. Over the Years the Young Achievers has recorded a number of success which includes, Taking young people on educational tours, Outreach projects in the community, volunteering, members speaking on television and international platforms and so many other success stories.
The objectives of Young Achievers are:
The aims of forming this group are:
Our program is dedicated to the task of increasing the academic achievement, as well decolonizing the minds of Namibian youth by developing their mental, social, artistic and life skills. Our motto is: Education, Self-reliance and Development.
We meet on a weekly basis (Saturdays 13-16h00) at the Windhoek Multi Purpose Youth Resource Center on Leonard Auala Street (on the premises of the Independence Arena) in Katutura, Windhoek .
Our efforts reflect a learner-centered approach and all activities are designed to directly and indirectly enhance the youth with information, social skills and empowered self-esteem.
The Young Achievers are being supported by a group of adults, acting as coordinators. These coordinators, originating from the same suburb, did experience by themselves the difficulty to achieve something from this background. The Co ordinators serves as a role model to the young people and assist in making sure that things are running smoothly with the organization.
Achievers United supports the project Young Achievers Namibia. Our contacts to Young Achievers Namibia are Ferdinand and Pandu Hailonga-van Dijk.
Young Achievers Documentary - featuring Pandu Hailonga
The following two Charities we did support until 2021.
Mineke Foundation - Liberia - Monrovia - Dabwe Town
Newsletter 2022
In our last newsletter we did report some bd news. Because of consecutive crises we could not maintain our soucail enterprises, evolving from our previous skills courses. Unfortunately we did have to stop these enterprises and the accompanying skills courses. But we also reported that Mineke Fouindation is continuing wtih therid work. In this newsletter (in the Dutch language) we report how we intend to build further upon realisation of our dream. See more . . . . .
2020 was een dramatisch jaar voor Mineke Foundation. Covid-19 heeft ons, net als velen anderen, hard geraakt. De Liberiaanse economie stond er al zeer slecht voor. Covid-19 heeft de situatie nog verder verslechterd. De Liberiaanse overheid sloot de grenzen en kondigde een lockdown af. Dit resulteerde in schaarste van allerlei producten, stijgende prijzen, het verlies van banen en van inkomen, kortom een grote economische malaise.
Meer lezen : Jaarverslag-2020-Mineke-Foundation.pdf (
If you are interested in reports 2016 - 2019 see: Jaarverslagen – Mineke Foundation
Joanne Noordink Foundation. General information.
Our church support terminated as of 01-01-2023 (after many years)
Joanne’s work focused our work on the support of children and our project was called “Joanne’s Children in Uganda”. However, as we extended our activities in the course of the years, we discovered that we needed a more formal basis for our activities, resulting in the Joanne Foundation.
The way the Joanne Foundation operates is characterized by keywords like: small, controllable, communicative, honest, reliable and transparent.
Our main objective is taking care of the children included in our program and to pay their tuition until the moment they have obtained a vocational certificate. This will enable them to find a job and become self-reliant. The foundation does not want the children to become dependent on its help, we support them until they are able to take care of themselves.
For more information consult the following link ( or Newsflashes - Joanne Foundation