ALL EVENTS FOR 2024 (this page is under construction)
In a wonderful service on Saterday 23 November in St. Mary's Rotterdam Hennie ten Winkel and Nelly Karuga, along with 24 others were confirmed by Bishop Trevor Wilmot.
Baptism of Kefa (Mali) Karuga during the Service of 17 11 2024
Actie Schoenendoos/ Action Shoebox
Once again our congregation has taken part in the yearly Actie Schoenendoos. This year 28 boxes were provided to take home and filled with little presents for children in troubled area's of our world. Shortly before Christmas the returned boxes are being sent to children in Africa, Eastern Europe or Ukraine. Children that live in poverty or stress-full situations may feel special for a (short) while when they receive your carefully assembled shoebox with presents, toys, writing and drawing utensils and maybe some toiletry.
Our Actie Schoenendoos/ Action Shoebox blends in with schools, churches and associations being collected through our local Collection Centre. This Centre is one of about 60 other local area collection points taking care of all the shoeboxes to be handled and sent on their way to all those children. Last year our shoeboxes were part of 44.682 boxes, collected in the Netherlands, that were delivered to Moldova, Ukraine, Albania, Bosnia, Bulgaria, Lesbos, Sierra Leone, Togo and Romania.
Twenty-two of twenty-eight supplied boxes were handed in to be transported to the Collection Centre in our local area. In fact there were 20 boxes that made it on time this year. Two boxes were already available as late entries from last years' action. One box was hand carried to the Collection Centre by one of our Church Members, who was not able to hand in the box at the latest date. So if you were late handing in your shoebox, just keep hold of it for next year and you could be one of the first to deliver your box.
Wrapping up, in some colourful wrapping paper, Actie Schoenendoos/ Action Shoebox is a simple and practical gesture in compassion. It does require a bit of your imagination of what the boy or girl, in a troubled spot of the world - with the age "target" group you want to surprise, would like. By acting together, as St. Mary's Congregation, for children in need, it also creates a connection between congregation members.
I would like to thank everyone who has contributed to make this years Action once again a succes.
Lub Gringhuis.
Baptism of Nelly Karuga during the Service of 27 10 2024
Re-Licensing Reader Simone Jane Yallop during the Service of 20th October 2024.
On the 20th October we did celebrate the Harvest festival.