1(a). Official Name :Anglican Church Twente.
1(b).Unofficial Name :St. Mary's of Weldam.
2.Constitutional Position:
Church in the Archdeaconry of North West Europe/Anglicaanse Kerk in Nederland. (www.anglican.nl ) It is governed by the ecclesiastical law of the Church of England (www.cofe.org ) and constitution and rules of the Diocese in Europe (www.europe.anglican.org )
3.RSIN:823908653; KvK number: 94474737
4.Website URL:
5.Emailaddress Secretary:
6.Visiting address:
St. Mary's Chapel,
Diepenheimseweg 102,
7475 MN Markelo
For visiting please make prior arrangements with our secretary: secretary@anglicanchurchtwente.com
7.Postal Address: Willem Kesstraat 11
7558 KB Hengelo
8.Church Officers:
1x Chaplain, 2x Church Warden, 1x Secretary, 1 x Treasurer, 7x Council Members
9.Salaries policy:
The Chaplaincy does have a paid Chaplain, all other workers are working entirely on a voluntary basis.
The church shall have such stipendiary clergy and other ministers as is agreed between the Bishop and the church council. Their stipends shall be determined in accordance with or on the basis of stipulations made by, on behalf or with the concurrence of the Bishop,. Neither stipendiary or salaried staff, nor volunteer officers or councillors, will receive any remuneration or other financial compensation, however named, in respect of their work in governing the church; and such activities shall not be deemed to establish any claim to tax exemption or tax-exempt payments. Exceptional expenses may be compensated financially only to the maximum nominal amount.
The national policy plan is to be found at the website of the Archdeaconry www.anglican.nl
The local policy: The Anglican Church Twente, founded in 1979, provides Christian ministry to people living in an area with a radius of 50 km, centred on St Mary s Chapel, Weldam, encompassing the towns of Almelo, Apeldoorn, Deventer, Enschede, Hengelo, Oldenzaal, Winterswijk and Zutphen.
It belongs to the Anglican Diocese in Europe, a diocese of the Church of England, and is part of the worldwide Anglican Communion of some 70 million people.
The Anglican Church Twente provides Sunday Services in the English language and the Common Worship Order one is used. The Anglican Church being in full communion with the Old Catholic Church.
The Chaplaincy may have paid staff and other workers, and also may compensate volunteer workers for their activities to the maximum allowable annual amount.
10.(General) Chaplaincy Policy statement (2013)
Chaplaincies are the local pastoral units in the Archdeaconry of NW Europe, in the Diocese in Europe.
In accordance with Netherlands law, the Archdeaconry in which they are situated is registered in the Handelsregister (Company register) with the Kamer van Koophandel (Chamber of Commerce) Midden-Nederland under the name of Archdeaconry of NW Europe (Anglicaanse Kerk in Nederland) .
The first and supreme duty of the worldwide Christian Church is to proclaim Jesus Christ as the embodiment of God s love. From this duty follow a number of more detailed duties. Such duties comprise at least the following
- 1. the public worship of God, proclaiming his love in Word and Sacrament;
- 2. to assist others to know and live in God s love;
- 3. to do such things that show God s love, following the example and teachings of Jesus, both to members of the Church and to people who could not be so described;
- 4. generally, to be an instrument of peace, reconciliation and goodwill in and for society, both locally and (inter)nationally;
- 5. all other activities complying with the above duties.
These activities require an organisation, clergy and other ministers and lay workers, both paid and unpaid, buildings and appurtenances. Moreover, they require support, including financial support, of organisations and individuals working in those fields where their are serving, wholly or in part, the above duties, and are not engaged in activities contrary to what the Church proclaims or deems acceptable.
Chaplaincy income is primarily found from interest on capital, from collections at church services, from other voluntary donations by individuals and allied organisations, and from income generated by other assets. Secondary income may come from (local) government and public or private organisations, e.g. in the form of subsidies for assets (monumental or for the public good). Donations may be received from sources within or outside the Church. Except where moneys are received from within the direct provincial or diocesan church structures, the Chaplaincy has an absolute discretion to accept or reject such donations, as also in honouring any earmarking of donations.
The Chaplaincy, committed to its principal tasks, may organise courses, festivals, meetings and other gatherings, however named, over and above the meetings of its Church Council, which it is required to hold.
The Chaplaincy may have paid clergy and other paid workers, and also may compensate volunteer workers for their activities to the maximum allowable annual amount.
The specific conditions of the individual Chaplaincy may follow in the local policy document.
Signed Chaplaincy policy statement
a. Founded in 1979, the Anglican Church Twente belongs to the Church of England's Diocese in Europe. The Church of England forms a part of the worldwide Anglican Communion of more than 80 million people
b. The Anglican Church Twente, based at St Mary's Chapel, Weldam provides a Christian ministry in the East Netherlands. Most of the congregation live in the towns and villages of the East Netherlands and across the border in Germany. Some come from further afield. Places such as Arnhem, Hilversum and Amsterdam.
c. The Anglican Church Twente holds a service every Sunday at 10:30 am in English. The church offers Holy Communion to all baptized Christians, Sunday School to nurture and educate children in the Christian faith, and a warm welcome to people of all nationalities.
d. The main aims of the Anglican Church Twente are to:
Offer Christian worship by the rites of the Church of England in the English language.
Provide pastoral care to all who are in need of such help.
Promote a lively fellowship among those who attend the services.
Support outreach in Christian ministry wherever there is a need.
12.Short Activity Report - 2023
During the year 2023, a total of 73 services were held, of which 60 were services of Holy Communion. Throughout 2023 services were held on a weekly basis.
Throughout the year, most of the Sunday morning services were taken by the Chaplain, the Revd Jacqueline Williams. Two services were taken by locum priests. Five services were taken by Lay Minister Simone Yallop.
In 2023 there was a service of welcome and thanksgiving for the grandson of a church member. There was also a funeral for a lady who was not a member of our congregation, but who wished for her funeral to be at St. Mary’s. In 2023 there were no baptisms or weddings.
The average attendance at services in 2023 was 28 and the average number of communicants was 29. For 2023, all the services, recorded in the register of services in the chapel, have been taken into account when computing averages. This includes the services of Evening Prayer in the chapel on the Sunday afternoons during the Summer Teas in July and August.
Although not recorded in the register of services in the chapel, there were throughout the year services of Evening prayer on Monday evenings via Zoom and services of Morning Prayer on Thursday mornings in the Hut. These are not included in the attendance figures.
Previous activity statements:2012|2013|2014|2015|2016|2017|2018|2019|2020|2021|2022|2023|
13. Finances report
Finances Anglican Church Twente - 2023
Income from:
voluntary contributions, fees and interest 38.173
fund raising activities 15.415
Fees, other donations 2.148
Total income 55.736
Expenditure on:
running costs church 58.702
charitable giving 4.735
Total expenditure 63.437
Net result was a deficit - 7.700
Previous financial statements:2012|2013|2014|2015|2016|2017|2018|2019|2020|2021|2022|2023|
14. Statement of intended disbursements in year 2023
The budget of expected income and expenses for 2023 has been presented at the Church Council Meeting of the Anglican Church Twente, which did approve of it and also during the Annual General Meeting.
Anglican Church Twente 2023
Expenditure on:
running costs church 57.315
of which charitable giving 4.410
Total expenditure 61.725
Voluntary contributions, fees and interest 35.900
Fund raising activities 8.200
Fees, other donations 1.260
Total income 45.360
Expected deficit - 16.365