20171112 Remembrance Sunday
November, 12th 2017 - Remembrance Sunday
Today we did celebrate this memorial day observed in Commonwealth countries since the end of World War I to remember the members of their armed forces who have died in the line of duty. This day, or alternative dates, are also recognized as special days for war remembrances in many non-Commonwealth countries.
Like in the years before Members of the Wapenbroeders in the East Netherlands were present with their banner to commemmorate those who fell in the line of duty. This year Arthur Cass did recite the poem: "They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old ....."
The 'Guard of Honour' from the Bond of Wapenbroeders did take part for the last time in our service because of the mature age of the members. We would like to thank them very much for all the years they have taken part in our Remembrance Services.
This years'Remembrance Sunday had also a special occasion for our Locum Brian Rodford, as he was requested to be our new Chaplain starting next January.
Text and Images: Lub Gringhuis
20170902 Castle Fair
Magnificent weather Fair
This year's Weldam Castle Fair was blessed with the most beautiful late summer weather. After some light fog when arriving early in the morning, the sun rapidly dissolved the thin fog patches and temperatures were rising fast. Already just past eight o'clock the first Stallholders arrived and started to build up their merchandise and display. Fencers and Archers set up their demo displays of the lawn in the westerly garden. Antique British made cars were driven onto the the circle green at the forecourt. Cakes, scones and rolls were prepared in the Tearoom and everywhere final preparations were made.
At the chime of eleven the Highland regiment Pipers and Drums marched out to the gate to welcome the visitors already waiting. The Weldam Castle Fair 2017 had opened. Visitors also did have chance to win a prize, connected to their entry ticket, at the Raffle stall.
Rapidly the first visitors arrived at the Tearoom to have the first choice of the many great cakes and scones prepared by our congregations volunteers. The outside terrace filled with many visitors who enjoyed their purchase.
This year our Castle Fair committee had again done their utmost to make a diverse and high quality selection of stalls and attractions. They did succeed in attracting quite a number of interesting variations in home made articles, artfull skilled crafts and products.
Also the entertainment was again diverse with a Klezmer ensemble, the Highland Regiment Pipes and Drums band and the Morris Dancers.
To mark the origin of our Weldam Castle Fair the day was ended with a short "Songs of Praise" session in front of the Tearoom.
The Castle Fair committee would like to thank the Solms family for their hospitality at the Weldam Estate, all volunteers who made it possible and foremost all our visitors who came in great numbers and made this year's Fair to a success.
Lub Gringhuis, Webmaster
Patron Count Alfred's Wladimir Choir (below) takes part in the musical sequences of the Service.
Byzantine Men's Choir Wladimir was founded 29 May 1989 and named after Grand Prince Vladimir of Kiev
The singers practise Eastern European spiritual choral music; in particular, they focus on Slavic-Byzantine liturgy. Profane Slavic songs form a secondary repertoire.
The choir adds lustre to church celebrations, alongside which it performs an occasional concert.
20170525 Ascension Day Picnic
Ascension Day 2017 was once again a very successful event. The weather was glorious and the sun was shining abundantly.
The congregation had turned up, after the service led by Revd Canon Richard Capper, with delicious dishes and everyone did enjoy the great variety of pies, salads, cakes and deserts.
Our traditional picnic after the Ascension Day service certainly went with a swing thanks to Carol Van Straten, who treated us to some wellknown songs.
Our sincere thanks go to Jeanet and her tireless team for the wonderful organization & refreshments.
20170416 Easter Service
During this Easter Service the Church Wardens and PCC were installed by Revd. Canon Geoffrey Allen.
20170108 Farewell Alja Tollefsen
January, 8th 2017 - Thank you Jan and Theda and Farewell Alja Tollefsen.
After a very long time of taking care of the Hut, Jan and Theda will take it easy now. They can enjoy the Sunday services in a relaxed manner and do not have to worry any more if enough coffee will be ready in time to serve our congregation after the Sunday morning service. They were presented with a beautiful bunch of flowers at the end of the service. We hope to have them around for a long time, to come and enjoy the services and the fellowship with us.
On the same day Alja Tollefsen performed her last service in our Chapel. She retires from "active duty" in our congregation. But one may suspect we will see her again many times as she lives close by. After the service there was no coffee in the Hut but everyone had to move to the "Jacht Hut" situated about 2,5 km to the East of our Chapel. There a surprise fare well party was thrown to mark the last working day of our Chaplain.
It seemed that the party has been guarded as "top secret", because we managed to surprise Alja totally by the event.
On that occasion Alja was showered with speeches, songs and presents, to give her a good start into retirement. Our presents were both relaxing, a garden swing seat, as inspiring, a toolkit to help her with the construction of the swing. These gifts took her by surprise and are very welcome in her ,soon to be, summer residence near to her children and grandchild.
Everhard and Joyce (once again new granny) had produced the lyrics of a farewell song for Alja , covering her time being our Chaplain.
By then it was time to enjoy the food that everyone brought in this "bring and share" luncheon. Once again everyone had done its utmost to provide drinks, main courses and a good selection of desserts.
Whilst enjoying the food and drinks, there was a good chatting, around a very cosy open fire. Many stories about the past ,and maybe thoughts concerning the future of our congregation were exchanged.
Looking back on this final day of our Reverend Alja Tollefsen we can conclude that this was a worthy finish of a 'working life’. A big thank you to every one of our congregation who made this farewell possible. Thank you Alja for taking care of St. Mary's. We will not forget you.
Lub Gringhuis
Images chapel by Nikki Barker and farewell party by Lub Gringhuis