Services & Readings

Services and Readings - St. Mary's - Weldam

God our heavenly Parent,
today the Saviour is born
and those who live in darkness are seeing a great light.
Help us, who greet the birth of Christ with joy,
to live in the light of your Son
and to share the good news of your love.
We ask this through Jesus Christ,
the light who has come into the world. Amen.
Lord Jesus, Light of light,
you have come among us.
Help us who live by your light
to shine as lights in your world.
Glory to God in the highest. Amen.

Take this fire, let it flame:
God is born in our frame,
sinless child tastes our shame,
sin’s might he is breaking,
new the world is making.
Shine, O candles, shine,
burn with love divine,
to the night,
comes the light
of the Father’s glory.

December 24 2024 22:30 Eucharist Christmas Eve
Celebrant and Preacher Revd. Jacqueline Williams
Duty Warden Jeanet Luiten
Intercessor: Simone Yallop
Joyce Wigboldus Isaiah 9. 2-7
Psalm 96 22
Diane Wesseling Titus 2.1-14 ,
Gospel Luke 2. 1.14 [15-20]

See below: Images of this year's Christmas Market

A Sunday school service is available during our Services.

December 25 2024 10:30 Eucharist Christmas Day
Celebrant and Preacher Revd. Jacqueline Williams
Duty Warden: Jeanet Luiten
Intercessor Elizabeth v. d. Heide
Lea Meijnen Isaiah 52. 7-10
Psalm 98 10.30
Linda ten Berge Hebrews 1. 1-4 [5-12]
Gospel John 1. 1-14

Monday a Zoom service of Evening Prayer 19:00 hrs link to the service:
Meeting ID: 982 4542 2332 // Passcode: 2CNnw8

Thursday Morning Prayer in the Hut 10:00 hrs

December 29 2024 10:30 Morning Prayer Christmas 1
Officiant and Preacher Lay Minister Simone Yallop
Duty Warden Jeanet Luiten
Intercessor: Lea Meijnen
Rita Kizito 1 Samual 2. 18-20,26
Psalm 148 1-6 10.30
Patrick Saridjan Colossians 3. 12-17
Gospel Luke 2. 41-end

January 5 2025 10:30 Morning Prayer Epiphany
Officiant and Preacher Lay Minister Simone Yallop
Duty Warden Jeanet Luiten
Intercessor: Joyce Wigboldus
Elizabeth van de Heide Jeremiah 31. 7-14
Psalm 147. 13-end
Jan de Beij Ephesians 1. 1-3
Gospel John 1. 10-18

January 12 2025 10:30 Eucharist Baptism of Christ
Celebrant and Preacher Revd. Chris Nicolls
Duty Warden Jeanet Luiten
Intercessor: Simone Yallop
Ilonka de Beij Isaiah 43. 1-7
Psalm 29
Arthur Cass Acts 8. 14-17
Gospel Luke 3. 15-17, 21-22

January 19 2025 10:30 Eucharist Epiphany 2
Officiant and Preacher Revd Alja Tollefson
Duty Warden Jeanet Luiten
Intercessor: Elizabeth v. d. Heide
Jaccolien Molenaar Isaiah 62. 1-5
Psalm 36. 5-10
Joyce Wigboldus 1 Corinthians. 12. 1-11
Gospel John 2. 1-11

January 26 2025 10:30 Eucharist Epiphany 3
Celebrant and Preacher Revd. Jacqueline Williams
Duty Warden Jeanet Luiten
Intercessor: Jeanet Luiten
Jan de Beij Nehemiah 8. 1-3, 5-6,8-10
Psalm 19. 1-6 10.30 1
Lea Meijnen Corinthians 12.12-31a ,
Gospel Luke 4. 14-21

Monday a Zoom service of Evening Prayer 19:00 hrs link to the service:
Meeting ID: 982 4542 2332 // Passcode: 2CNnw8

Thursday Morning Prayer in the Hut 10:00 hrs

February 2 2025 10:30 Eucharist Presentation of Christ in the Temple
Celebrant and Preacher Revd. Jacqueline Williams
Duty Warden Jeanet Luiten
Intercessor: Lea Meijnen
Erica Bonting Malachi 3. 1-5
Psalm 24. 7-end
Ilonka de Beij Hebrews 2. 14-end ,
Gospel Luke 2. 22-40

Monday a Zoom service of Evening Prayer 19:00 hrs link to the service:
Meeting ID: 982 4542 2332 // Passcode: 2CNnw8

Thursday Morning Prayer in the Hut 10:00 hrs

Recordings of the COVID 19 time frame Services will remain available off line only, via this link